Fluffypedia Wiki

An anthro fluffy drawn by ZK

Anthro Fluffies are a variant of fluffy pony with anthropomorphic traits; they are distinct from satyrs as they are completely covered in fluff and far more closely resemble regular fluffies in appearance and intellect. Usually used in weirdbox or pornographic material, anthro fluffies are generally depicted as being (marginally) smarter than their tiny cousins and having a very high sex drive. Perhaps the most famous anthro fluffies are Fluffsplosion's unnamed pink anthro and Russian Hugboxer's Subject 13, a giant, smart anthro with an enormously high sex drive and super strength.

Anthro Subspecies[]

Unlike standard fluffies, there is a great variation in the portrayal of anthros. Some, like Phinora, are depicted as about 3 to 4 feet high, while Russian Hugboxer's Experiment 13 is shown as over 10 feet tall. Intelligence varies from user to user and can range from fluffies in human bodies level of intelligence to human in fluffy body level of intelligence to something in between. Additionally, anthros can be shown with hands, hooves, or a hybrid "mitten hand" having a thumb connected to a hooflike hand. The only notable subspecies of anthro is the snakejaw anthro.


Some people assert that anthros cross the line into furry fandom. Typically, Russian fluffy fans are more hostile to anthros than the American or Western European fluffy fanbase. It is often asserted that fluffy anthros are typically indistinguishable from their "canon" My Little Pony counterparts except for the fluffspeak captions, and in a few instances, a "canon" MLP anthro was uploaded to fluffybooru without anyone noticing that the anthro wasn't a fluffy anthro.

Additionally, some people assert that anthros are too close to humans to properly work in the distopian fluffy setting. The anthro, because it looks like a humanoind, gains an automatic sympathy from the reader, even if the anthro is mentally no different from a standard fluffy.
